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Welcome to , strap on dildo collection, meticulously crafted for the lesbian community. Our selection features non-realistic, artistically designed dildos that prioritize comfort, durability, and pleasure. Whether you prefer harness-compatible or hands-free options, our strap-ons are perfect for enhancing your intimate moments. Explore our range to find the ideal fit that matches your style and desires, ensuring both you and your partner enjoy an exceptional experience.

What is a Strap on?

Strap on toys are dildos that you can wear with a harness. These versatile toys are designed for various types of penetration, making them a popular choice for many people. Sometimes, you can buy the dildo and harness together as a set, but they can also be purchased separately. Many dildos are compatible with a wide variety of strap-on harnesses, allowing you to mix and match according to your preferences.

How To Use A Strap On Dildo : Comprehensive Guide for Couples

Vaginal Penetration: People with vaginas can use strap-ons with each other for penetrative sex, providing a unique and satisfying experience.
Double Penetration: People use a strap-on to give someone with a vagina double penetration, enhancing the pleasure for both partners.
Foot Harnesses: There are special harnesses designed to let you penetrate someone with your foot, offering an adventurous twist to traditional strap-on play.

Welcome to a thrilling journey into the world of strap ons! Whether you're a strap on aficionado or just starting to explore, this guide is designed to make your experience enjoyable and fulfilling. Strap ons are not just a fun addition to your bedroom; they open doors to new forms of intimacy and pleasure. So, let's dive into the captivating world of strap-ons, where pleasure knows no bounds!
Understanding Strap Ons: The Basics
A strap on typically consists of a wearable harness and a detachable dildo or vibrator. These versatile toys redefine the roles of penetration, offering a fresh perspective on sexual pleasure. Before you introduce a strap on into your intimate moments, let's understand its basics and how it can elevate your experience.
Starting the Conversation: How to Discuss Using a Strap-On
Introducing the idea of using a strap-on with your partner should be a gentle and open-ended conversation. Instead of a blunt approach, initiate the topic subtly. Suggest discussing an article or a podcast about strap ons to gauge their interest. Remember, the key is to create a comfortable space for both partners to express their thoughts and desires.
Choosing the Perfect Strap On
Selecting a strap-on is a journey in itself, with a multitude of options available. Consider the intended use—oral, vaginal, anal, or non-penetrative play. Pay attention to the size and features like vibration. Materials matter too, with silicone being a popular choice for its firmness and quality. Involve your partner in this exciting shopping adventure to make the choice that suits both of you.
Getting Comfortable with Your Strap On
Once you have your strap-on, practice wearing it around the house. Familiarize yourself with its mechanics, like putting it on, adjusting it, and attaching the dildo. Use it during solo play or non-penetrative acts to become more comfortable. Discuss with your partner what you both expect from the experience, addressing any hesitations and preferences.
The Art of Using a Strap On
Using a strap on is an art that requires patience, communication, and exploration. Engage in open dialogue during the act, asking for feedback on angles, pressure, and depth. Start with supported positions to ease the physical effort. Be patient and open to learning and adjusting your approach as you go.
Creating a Joyful Experience
Remember, using a strap on is about mutual enjoyment and exploration. Don't hesitate to infuse humor and lightness into the experience. Keep experimenting with different methods and positions until you find what works best for you and your partner. The key is to maintain an atmosphere of comfort, confidence, and enthusiasm.
In summary, strap ons offer a new dimension to sexual pleasure and intimacy. You can unlock a world of joyous and fulfilling experiences through understanding, communication, and patience. So go ahead, explore, and enjoy the boundless pleasures that strap ons can bring to your relationship!

Beginner's Guide of women using dido: Choosing the Right Size and Fit

For beginners, using a dildo can be an exciting and empowering experience. However, choosing the right size and type is crucial to ensure comfort, safety, and enjoyment.

Here Crassie helps you understand how to select a dildo that perfectly matches your body, focusing on smaller sizes ideal for beginners.

  • Understanding Female Anatomy

Before diving into strap on dildo selection, it’s essential to understand basic female anatomy. The vagina is a muscular tube that can vary in length from about 3 to 4 inches when unaroused but can expand during arousal and sexual activity. The G-spot, located about 2 inches inside the front wall of the vagina, is a sensitive area that many women find pleasurable to stimulate.

  • Choosing the Right Size

#1. Length

Beginner Size: For beginners, a dildo length of 4 to 6 inches is typically ideal. This size is manageable and allows for comfortable exploration without causing discomfort.

Why This Size: A smaller length ensures ease of use and reduces the risk of over-penetration, making the experience enjoyable and pain-free.

#2. Girth (Diameter)

Beginner Girth: A diameter of 1 to 1.5 inches is recommended for beginners. This size is gentle and less intimidating, allowing the vaginal muscles to adapt comfortably.

Why This Girth: A narrower girth reduces the sensation of fullness, making insertion and use more comfortable for those new to penetration.

  • Material Selection | Silicone

Pros: Body-safe, hypoallergenic, non-porous, and easy to clean. Silicone dildos are soft yet firm, mimicking the texture of skin.

Ideal for Beginners: The flexibility and softness of silicone make it an excellent choice for first-time users.

  • Features to Consider

#1. Smooth Surface

Why: A smooth surface reduces friction, making insertion more comfortable and minimizing the risk of irritation.

#2. Flexible Shaft

Why: Flexibility allows the dildo to move with the body’s natural contours, providing a more comfortable and realistic experience.

#3. G Spot Curve

Why: A slight curve can help target the G-spot, enhancing pleasure and making the experience more satisfying.

  • Health and Safety Tips

#1. Lubrication

Importance: Always use a generous amount of water-based lubricant to reduce friction and enhance comfort.

Compatibility: Avoid silicone-based lubricants with silicone dildos, as they can degrade the material.

#2. Cleaning

Before and After Use: Clean your dildo before and after each use with warm water and mild soap or a specialized toy cleaner.

Sterilization: Silicone dildos can be boiled or cleaned with a 10% bleach solution for thorough sterilization.

#3. Storage

Separate Storage: Store your dildo in a clean, dry place, ideally in a separate pouch to keep it hygienic and free from dust.

  • Step-by-Step Guide for women using dildo


Find a comfortable, private space where you can relax without interruptions.

Wash your hands and the dildo thoroughly before use.


Spend some time on foreplay to become aroused, which helps the vaginal muscles relax and reduces discomfort.


Apply a generous amount of water-based lubricant to the dildo and your vaginal opening.


Start by gently rubbing the dildo against your vulva and vaginal opening to acclimate to the sensation.

Slowly and gently insert the dildo, paying attention to your body’s signals. Go as slowly as needed to maintain comfort.


Experiment with gentle in-and-out motions or slight rotations. If your dildo has a curved tip, you can angle it to stimulate the G-spot.


After use, clean the dildo thoroughly and store it properly. Take a moment to relax and check in with how your body feels.

Give Strap On Dildo A Shot Today

Indulge in the excitement of a strap on dildo, it's a thrilling addition to your bedroom repertoire. Offering confidence and power, these kinky crassie sex toy delivers precise stimulation with its thick, subtly textured shaft, expertly angled to target all your most sensitive areas. Plus, our easy-to-use strap-on harnesses are adjustable for a comfortable fit, ensuring you can focus entirely on pleasure without any distractions.
Strap On Dildo For Everyone
At Crassie, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse selection of strap on dildo to suit all tastes. Explore our collection, which includes strap on dildo, strapless strap ons, double dildo, and much more.

Answers to Your Burning Questions About Strap Ons

What Exactly Is a Strap-On and How Does It Work?
A strap on is a harness designed for engaging in thrilling role-reversal and penetrative play. Simply fasten the harness around your waist or hips for a secure fit, then dive into a world of pleasure with your partner as you explore new depths of intimacy.

Can Anyone Use a Strap On, or Is It Only for Certain Folks?
Strap on dildos are inclusive pleasure products. While same-sex couples often enjoy strap on stimulation,  adding a thrilling twist to their intimate encounters. Remember to use lube for easy insertion and ensure that any insertable part designed for anal play has a flared base for safety.

How Do I Choose the Best Strap On for My Partner and Me?
Finding the perfect strap-on is all about compatibility and desire. Consider factors such as size, shape, and material when selecting the insertable part, ensuring it aligns with your pleasure preferences. The harness should be comfortable and adjustable, allowing for a snug fit around your waist or hips. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to strap on stimulation, take your time exploring your options until you discover your new favorite sex toy. Start with a smaller harness compatible dildo, communicate openly with your partner, and let your curiosity lead the way.

Are there any specific lesbian sex positions for using a strap on?
Experimenting with different techniques and positions can enhance pleasure for both partners. Start with positions that allow for easy access and control, such as missionary or doggy style. As you become more comfortable, you can explore other positions, such as cowgirl or spooning. Remember to communicate throughout, adjusting angles and depths as needed for maximum satisfaction.

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